Development of SSZ

Eth2 developers designed SSZ to improve the storage and retrieval of data in the blockchain



  • encode data structures as sequences of bytes


  • decode sequences of bytes to reconstruct a given data structure


  • reduce data structure to merkle-root


  • make proofs and multiproofs for elements in the data structure


  • Efficiency and Elegance
    • in proof structures with binary trees, and a design that separates opinionated sparse structures from merkleization, learning from issues in ETH 1.0.
  • Consistency
    • in a wide range of use-cases for minimal and efficient encoding and proofs in the core of ETH 2.0, as well as the layers being built on top.
  • Flexibility and Transparency
    • for tracing proofs through history, building shallow variants of types, or proofs to linked data such as between ETH 2.0 shards.
  • Stability of proof data
    • for stateless light clients and smart contracts. These can count on deterministic and stable locations of merkle tree leaves of interest.
  • Fast data reads
    • by making full deserialization optional, data can be retrieved with a very minimal amount of operations, largely pre-computable at compile time.


  • Simple

    • SSZ is meant to map well to common raw datatypes, and avoid twiddling with bits or nibbles in serialization.
      • It has common basic data types
      • It has fixed-length types to avoid unnecessary lengths/offsets
      • Types to describe the structure

  • Bijective
    • No two different representations can exist for the same value of a single type.
    • No two different values of the same type can be have the same representation.
    • Different types may still have overlapping representations in merkleization or serialization.
      • Serialization example:
        • Vector[uint16, 4], Vector[uint32, 2], Vector[uint64, 1], uint64 are all fixed-length and 8 bytes.
      • Merkleization example:
        • A Container with a Vector[uint32, 8] and uint64 field has the same merkleization structure as a List[uint64, 4].

  • Compact
    • Fixed Length Types
      • The elements are packed together, and do not result in any extra bytes when used as elements in dynamic types such as lists.
    • Dynamic types
      • 4-byte offsets were adopted as a way to enable fast random access of list elements, while keeping the size relatively low. Offsets are only used for dynamic-length element types, whose contents are often significantly bigger than 4 bytes.
    • Merkleization
      • A binary tree backs every merkle structure.
      • Since the branching factor is lower than the previously used Merkle Patricia Tree, less nodes are required to reach into a leaf of a merkle tree.
    • On the application level
      • An arbitrary key-value store is avoided, since a List can be packed together better, and have a smaller key depth, thus more efficiency in multi-proofs and avoiding the cost of unbalanced tree shapes.

  • Merkle-first
    • The intention of having a custom type system is also to give anything that can be interpreted by the protocol a sound single generalized merkle-root.
    • And not just a merkle-root, but also features that:
      • make proofs small,
      • avoid complexity in merkleization
      • make it as flexible as possible to build and interpret proofs for a data-structure.

  • Efficient to traverse

    • Efficient traversal is a feature that was later introduced into SSZ with the creation of Simple Offset Serialization (SOS).
      • This guarantees a O(log(N)) lookup speed for deeply nested structures. And offsets even enable O(1) random access in lists of dynamic-length elements.
    • The merkle tree is also efficient for lookups
      • generalized indices can statically describe the tree node location of any element path.
      • This allows any merkle-node lookup to be optimized to a O(log(N)) operation where N is the abstract data size (SSZ does not force a uniform data-structure),and where log(N) matches the length of the generalized index.
      • And the purely static parts of the path can even be computed at compile time, to improve lookup speeds without writing specialized verbose manual lookup routines.